BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Pisces Mermaiding

Image of Cher in Mermaids

It takes a while to get your sea legs. Pisces season always asks us to dive deeper than we did the time before and swim further from our safe shores. Pisces in the burgeoning age of Aquaria has initially held us all as fish out of water, imploring us to learn new strokes with which to navigate the surreal currents of humanity's overdue revolution. The one that never had any intention of us escaping its net.

The Aquarium stellium / season set the tone for us all to discover our unique contribution to the rebirthing of our worlds. Its constant squares to Urania delivering wild wake up calls on repeat, imploring us to make sustainable choices that also do no harm.

Self care holds your peculiar place supported. Self service at the expense of others makes you an outlier on the verge of mass extinction. Capitalist pariahs are going off in the sun like old fish. Narcissistic self interest is the poisoned chalice that only fools and fuckwits keep gulping. Profit as power is finally on the nose. Abuse of position or privilege keeps you firmly on the wrong side of history.

As all the towers shuddered and crashed into the sea this time last year, Pisces asked us to dive into the fray and only save what we loved that loved us right back. We built stronger nets to hold safe what was important. We resuscitated our drowning shadows and came to love the treasure held in their dark protection. We listened to the sea instead of the captains of sinking ships and learned how to read the weather instead of fearing the forecast.

Soon Venus moves into Pisces' deep blue, her mermaid tail twitching in anticipation. The stellium will give way to watershed and wonder. Merc will drag his winged heels a little longer through Aquaria to ensure he really changed our minds. And the sea will now truly have its way with us, sweeping us towards new shores and calling forth our siren songs.

My soul is full of longing
for the secret of the sea,
and the heart of the great ocean
sends a thrilling pulse through me.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2021