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Pisces, Aquaria Kerrie Basha Pisces, Aquaria Kerrie Basha

Pisces Mermaiding

It takes a while to get your sea legs. Pisces season always asks us to dive deeper than we did the time before and swim further from our safe shores. Pisces in the burgeoning age of Aquaria has initially held us all as fish out of water, imploring us to learn new strokes with which to navigate the surreal currents of humanity's overdue revolution. The one that never had any intention of us escaping its net.

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Pisces, Shadow Kerrie Basha Pisces, Shadow Kerrie Basha

Don The Snorkel

A word to the wise mermaids, as we navigate the fathoms of Pisces season and Mercury's emo retrograde. Though this sign cultivates the shamanic depths and our emotional currents, it also has a spectacular penchant for drama, delusion and evasive bypass. Pisces is just as great at opting out or cultivating unconsciousness. Everything has its shadow.

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