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Aquarius, New Moon Kerrie Basha Aquarius, New Moon Kerrie Basha

The Prism of Aquarius

Aquaria is a prism. A kaleidoscope we peer through into the future. Fragments of past and fractals of the present enlivened by its changing lenses. Evolution courting us in dark corners where we can no longer hide. Teasing a smile and a flutter of hope despite all we refuse to release ourselves from.

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Pisces, New Moon Kerrie Basha Pisces, New Moon Kerrie Basha

Reborn in Pisces

Though the moon is newly reborn in Pisces, this is not a start line from which to clang or bolt or proclaim. Not all moons are created equal and lunar solidarity resists such limiting prescription, tis the feminine after all. In Pisces the new moon is curtains parting to reveal a deep ocean, gently lit by moonlight whose shining surface promise only its depths.

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Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha

Nodal Shapeshifting

Reset button anyone?

If your last month / eclipse experience has resembled a steaming pile of revolution, the wishing moon on the horizon is the antidote to your malaise. The fresh air of the Aquarius new moon is a partial solar eclipse, partner of the Leo harbinger and finale to Eclipse-A-Tron, as well as the lunar new year. This is a powerful portal in which to craft your brave new world.

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Aquarius, New Moon Kerrie Basha Aquarius, New Moon Kerrie Basha

The Aquarian New Moon Prism

The Aquarius new moon has arrived in glorious technicolour, ushering in our lunar new year. This maverick energy is the perfect firestarter as the shapeshifting we have each been experiencing, navigating, living begins to make uncommon sense. This is the hallmark of Aquaria, her unique calling card an invitation for you to leap boldly into your authentic self.

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