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Saturn Kerrie Basha Saturn Kerrie Basha

Saturn’s Cazimi

Saturn's rebirthing arrives through the Sun as he begins the last kiss goodbye with Aquaria. Making his way towards the border into Pisces' patient fathoms, the ides of March spelling a lottery of changing tides.

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Aquarius Kerrie Basha Aquarius Kerrie Basha

The Odd Couplings of Aquaria

As we round the surreal bend into the final week of Aquaria, odd couplings vie for our attention. The currents torrent with codes and keys that could unlock imaginative new worlds or trap us with a flick of the wrist the wrong way. This week we each choose our own adventure through its tidings.

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Aquarius, Mercury Kerrie Basha Aquarius, Mercury Kerrie Basha

Mercury in Aquarius Flamboyance

Merc finalised his Capricorn dance jiving with Pluto to discuss revolution, propaganda and the dark arts. Those winged heels have sent him soaring over the border into the water bearer's ground zero.

Aquaria and its new age is where all the questions live. Unusual solutions are not limited by convention or expectation. Independent thinking is lauded as the true god it is. Mercury ensconced here elevates our minds and comms, expands possibility and informs any burgeoning intention for this wild year with an inventive twist.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Capricorn Damning

Today in the middle of storm and consequence, an important meeting is transpiring. In a world slavishly built on the false altar of eternal life and endless youth, the refused shadow curls around our ankles like a snake. Anaretica, thy name is transition. The fabled degree at the end of all the mansions holds change in its palm, throwing open a back door into something entirely different.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Poses Questions

It was back in Pisces of 1859 that Charles Dickens penned the first instalment of what would become A Tale of Two Cities, musing on the fervent intersection of the individual with revolution.

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Aquarius, Full Moon, Leo Kerrie Basha Aquarius, Full Moon, Leo Kerrie Basha

Full Moon Afterglow

More often than not, the afterglow of the full moon delivers its message. Insight arrives once its fever pitch has peaked, the lunacy subsiding so we can feel into more than its blazing gaze. Hindsight ponies up perspective unavailable in real time, whose value lies in quiet contemplation.

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Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Neptune & Venus Swooning

The blue king of dreams has gotten under Lady Love's shimmering skin. Whimsical and distracted, delirious and desiring of... what exactly? In the litter of hearts and flowers with the dark moon shadow falling our way, it is hard to be definite. And that is just how Neptune likes it, all the better to let his glamour cultivate what plays behind the thinning veils.

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Aquarius Kerrie Basha Aquarius Kerrie Basha

Let Your Blood Rush

Start your engines, darklings and daemons. This heart shaped week delivers us to new shores as we continue to make the crossing from past to future on multiple fronts. The final straits of Aquaria serve up quite a smorgasbord to serve as the bridge to beyond.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Pluto’s Power Glitching

The strange ripple in this day and the one after is more than the constant glitching of what once was matrix. It is something beyond regular programming and far below its cause and effect. And it has Pluto's spiny fingers all over it, tickling underbellies and shadows out of hiding.

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Retrograde, Mercury, Urania Kerrie Basha Retrograde, Mercury, Urania Kerrie Basha

Stunning Forward Motion

Though the start of this transforming year was shrouded in retrograde and revisionary imperatives, one thing is crystal clear. There is no going back. There is only looking forwards, grounding down and now, picking up the pace and the patter that will unlock the next phase of revolution.

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