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Pisces, Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha

All The Post Eclipse Feels

Post eclipsia can be overwhelming at the very best of times. So much fast paced change, all those heartquakes and headphoons and a finish line that resembles virtually nothing familiar. Tis a lot to choke down, let alone to do so underwater. Cue Pisces season to switch us from stewing to marination.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Submersion

Last weekend as vital part of the post eclipsia change of state, the sun claimed his place in enchanted Piscean waters. He was joining Mercury, Chiron still weeping, our lady of love Venus and chief shaman and ruler of Pisces, Neptune in deliciously deep blue. Here may we submerge ourselves gracefully (or artlessly if that's all you have left) into the everloving waters of possibility and highest potential.

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Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha

Walk On or Run Away?

Post eclipsia feels often manifest as a deep desire to run for the hills or the coast or whatever new land you would hit first if you just started swimming. The stomach churning wild ride that is eclipse season is always equal parts lifechanging and crazymaking. Turned up to 11 if you have much Leo or Aquarius in your chart. What you will know for sure: life looks vastly different than it did three short weeks ago.

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Bohomofo Kerrie Basha Bohomofo Kerrie Basha

Turtley Bullshit

This is what it looks like mere moments before The Unexpected wallops you with a post eclipse backhander. Bless. I have no fuqing idea what's coming.

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Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha

Eclipse Simultaneity

When it comes to spirit animals, Miss Piggy has a place in my pantheon. As she rightly articulated this week - and I respectfully paraphrase - we fight to hold on and oh my giddy aunt how hard we fight to simply let go. Held fast as we are in the syrupy thick of the dark moon, we are now painfully brutally aware of all that eclipse season has excised from our lives.

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Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha

Nodal Shapeshifting

Reset button anyone?

If your last month / eclipse experience has resembled a steaming pile of revolution, the wishing moon on the horizon is the antidote to your malaise. The fresh air of the Aquarius new moon is a partial solar eclipse, partner of the Leo harbinger and finale to Eclipse-A-Tron, as well as the lunar new year. This is a powerful portal in which to craft your brave new world.

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Dark Moon, Moon Lore Kerrie Basha Dark Moon, Moon Lore Kerrie Basha

Dark Moon Balsam

We have officially entered the balsamic phase or the deepest dark of the moon. How well you dance through your darkness is the scene setter (and greatest determinant, in this witch's opinion) of how effective your new moon will be. And this next new moon in a few days - a solar eclipse and the lunar new year - is a Very Big Deal and the mightiest this year.

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Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha

The Eclipse Bridge of Sighs

Oh that bridge of sighs between eclipses. Herewith the pointy end of this mad season, as we round the final bend and descend into the dark of the moon. We are not there yet, not nearly. These dark days are the eclipse slingshot drawing back, taut and shaking.

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Apothekerrie Kerrie Basha Apothekerrie Kerrie Basha

Happy Dog Drops

The Apothekerrie also caters for our beloved familiars. I was inspired by my Stella to create a soothing flower essence blend just for pooches. Happy Dog Drops are a remedy for anxiety, panic and fear. They are especially good for those pupsters who suffer from separation anxiety, quiver in terror during thunder and storms or have experienced traumatic early lives.

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Dark Moon, Eclipse Kerrie Basha Dark Moon, Eclipse Kerrie Basha

Dark Mooning in Eclipsia

Still may we be, sitting through the spin cycle of les eclipses. In moments or minutes or more. Mars continues to throb away, testing the true nature of our firepower. The divine scramble is palpable, nostalgic and prophetic all at once.

The dark moon has slipped on its Aquarian coat and the heaviness of the agitation cycle is giving way to Neptune's call as visions now travel both ways down our personal highways.

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Full Moon, Virgo Kerrie Basha Full Moon, Virgo Kerrie Basha

Shock Value

This has not been your garden variety full moon. Rising in Virgo there was high likelihood of forces grounding us for good, anchoring us to home and hearth. Instead the lead up to this full moon just peaked was an extended player in whose strange grasp we found ourselves jolted.

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Pisces, Eclipse, Mars, Pluto Kerrie Basha Pisces, Eclipse, Mars, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Fight Clubbing

This guy is a walking community service announcement for the back end of this particular eclipse season and we all have Uncle Mars to thank for this. Our planet of Get Shit Done can fast turn into a war mongering trail of destruction when engaged the wrong way.

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Dark Moon Kerrie Basha Dark Moon Kerrie Basha

Deep Dark Moon Dreaming

Time once and again for the deep dark moon dreaming that is de rigeur for the balsamic lunar phase, aka right now. You know the dark moon drill my darlings: declutter, release and repeat. This is *the* time every single month in a row to let go of anything / everything that irks, niggles, pains, blocks or bothers Beautiful You.

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Bohomofo Kerrie Basha Bohomofo Kerrie Basha

Mondays’ Muses

I could not possibly list the myriad talents that constitute my femme friends. Mothers, lovers, daughters. Sisters all. Creatives, rebels, carers, weavers. Witches all.

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Astroweather, Eclipse Kerrie Basha Astroweather, Eclipse Kerrie Basha

Eclipse Warning Label

Eclipse seasons should come with a similarly succinct warning but even with all possible due diligence, this mad season oft gets the best of us. If everyone or everything is feeling chaotic, unsteady or simmering as though about to boil over, remember this sandpaper is how we (all) make change. Not one of us is immune.

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Love, Motherhood Kerrie Basha Love, Motherhood Kerrie Basha

Monday’s Muse

Monday will be the day we recall when the collective consciousness / worldwide Grammys audience was schooled in the gentle art of the divine feminine. Fully inhabiting the archetype of the Mother in every sense, Queen B's performance was grace personified.

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