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The Final Strains of Aquaria

Art by @vincentfink

The final week of Aquarius is a strange beast indeed, a wonder to wrangle and find your new place in. The water bearer spends all week ushering you towards the reflection of your future self, delivering a deft holy trinity to cement her ascendance.

Hump day unleashes the first potent clang of what will become 2021's signature scent. Already more than a waft on the breeze, the square dancing between Aquaria and Taurus has been generating significant sparks, friction and change. Even at this jarring angle, its shock has added evolutionary value and its awe has inspired and ignited.

On Wednesday Saturn squares Urania, a meeting that will repeat in mid June and conclude the night before Christmas. The building of our brave new world is weaved into their smashing tango, pulling things inexorably together even as they fall apart. Beauty in the breakdown and grace in what arises anew to take its place. This shake up reverberates all year.

It is too the last week of Merc's surreal retrograde through the clouds in our coffee, the future in the tea leaves and the past stuck in the cracks at the bottom of the cup. We are approaching its grand reveal. We will soon see where we have been moved and how our minds have been changed, even if we are not yet clear of its tangle.

In between Venus squares Mars, the sun leads the charge beyond Aquaria into Pisces and everything tilt shifts again. This week we are still staring through the Aquarian prism into whatever you are conjuring through its portal. Watch your headspace and your footing, darklings. Either one can create or destroy and both are well within your sphere of influence.

The only people who can change the world are people who want to. And not everybody does.
~ Hugh MacLeod

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2021