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Leo, Luna Lore, Full Moon Kerrie Basha Leo, Luna Lore, Full Moon Kerrie Basha

Leo Moon Roaring

The Leo full moon is always a call to our wild. A standing invitation and warm welcome into the place of courage and creativity that lies within us all. Too many are educated right out of this place by a terribly modern broken world that spins on careless power and mindless control. Taught how to think and act and be. Hammering hearts and hopes traded for a conditioned servitude to a life that refuses personal sovereignty.

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Moon Lore Kerrie Basha Moon Lore Kerrie Basha

Leo Moon Hair Magic

Our hair is more than just a reflection of our good health, virility and fertility. Great hair has a power and magic all of its own. For centuries, hair has held spiritual power in its strands and many religious rites have been associated with lustrous locks. In some cultures long hair brought you both closer to earth and closer to God. In magic, hair contains the essence of a person and is thus a supremely powerful ingredient in spells.

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