Pisces Poses Questions
Art: The Winds of Change
It was back in Pisces of 1859 that Charles Dickens penned the first instalment of what would become A Tale of Two Cities. Musing on the fervent intersection of the individual with revolution, he scrawled...
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness..."
The gentle sophistication of the far end of the zodiac demands such mutiplicity but it is a slippery sucker to hold. Its pretty fleeting fish swim in two different directions. Hope defies certain death. Grief mingles with joy in brackish water. The future is a promised land just over a border we can feel but can't see. The past is a whole age away and fading faster in the twilight. Nostalgia catches us frozen between the two and keeps switching the direction of our yearning and our wishing. The spell recasts itself again.
Our dreams and delusions breach the surface glass in tandem, leaping for attention to be paid. The depths pull us far below. Our tides rush and their gushing threatens to tip us over the falls as the world burns and turns and twists painfully in the birth canal. The old drums wearily beat war as their thin skins give way to those who broker compassion for the multitudes. Leaders make war but their people make love to make sense of an old world built on lies.
This year has finally begun to swish its ribboned tail propelling us faster through its transformative currents. Magic days sprinkle shimmering morsels on the surface for little fish hungry to feast on their dreams. We honour what once was by constructing stepping stones that help us skim towards our next iteration, jumping like skipping stones to whatever we have fixed our sights upon. Tears baptise the path and our soulself exalts at every leap.
In this vast ocean of your own making, it is easy enough to flap at catastrophe or shake fins at the sky rippling and cracking but that is not your soaking domain. Discernment is the antidote to all the Neptunian cocktails. Trust your instinct to know which to drink.
The Vision Quest Sessions
Cards and counsel to channel your renaissance and conjure your magics this Pisces season. DM to book in, darklings
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2022