BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Aquarian Anaretica

Collage by @artbydavidarms

Though it is not long now until the sun leads the charge into Pisces, these final hours in Aquaria plant us all at its anaretic degree. Cue the scrambling and tangents, strike up the complicated circus band and open wide the water bearer's floodgates.

The anaretic degree of a sign is both threshold and magnifier, a critical underlining of a sign's purpose and power. It brings with it a sense of urgency - or manic panic as the case may be - which can force hasty change or sudden reactive decision making.

In Aquarius this can look like overthinking, raising all the wild hypotheticals that let imaginary anxiety derail your real world. It can feel like being stuck between a crowded rock and a hard place that offers no wiggle room. It tastes like rocket fuel and magic, if they inhabited the same glass and didn't blow it to smithereens.

Add in the tides of Pisces nostalgia and emotion, licking at your heels and daring you to sink or swim. Stir in a changing world screaming through transition, whose zombie overlords are stoking fear and confusion as their smokescreen. Today feels like a lot more than just Tuesday.

By tomorrow nothing will be as it seems today. Everything will have changed again. We are courting chaos in order to engender change, not screaming and hair pulling. You can rock in a corner and chant this too shall pass, and it will. It's an old spell but it always works.

This rebirthing new world will not arrive quietly nor gently. Most all of us struggle to digest unanticipated change or boat rocking revolution when it comes barrelling through our doors. But no matter what, the coalface of humanity's evolution lies within you. The grander purpose of the holographic gong show we call life on planet earth right now has a singular intention. It aches for you to reclaim yourself from outside agendas that want your presence but not your power.

The anaretic degree of Aquaria calls us all to self actualise and it isn't going to stop ringing any time soon. Answer the call of your wildest dreams. Make some noise of your own.

Silence is the ultimate weapon of power
~ Charles de Gaulle

The Age of Aquaria Sessions
Sightlines, cards and channel to court your evolution through the fray // this week online & in the Hunter Valley Wednesday and Saturday. Book in here, darklings.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025