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The Mirror World

Art by Kurai

The inversion is upon us now. We already exist in a mirror world where things are not as they once were. Our animal bodies have long struggled to keep pace with a galloping tech assault on our senses, knowledge and understanding of the world we inhabit. All that we once trusted to support or care for us, as part of a social contract that was assumed rather than agreed, has morphed into the monster that will kill us all.

The cost of living has skyrocketed in every sense. It now exacts a price far more than money, steals much more than our precious time, stakes its claim on our very souls. Pushed beyond multiple points of no return on the crest of polycrisis and oblivion, we are challenged to reweave the lattice of care and community that once caught all the moving pieces of our lives.

The old mirror world is chockers with false gods and charlatans, grifters and cheats, because it built them from its tenets. Unchecked capitalism can only end in oligarchy. Modern slavery - as banks and businessmen profit from your labour - can only end with revolution. Rampant misrepresentation, partial omission and filthy lies are only bested by the whole ugly truth, roaring from the well incensed.

Perception is reality in a holographic stream of consciousness. All that seeks to claim your attention, fed by your focus and drained by your refusal to participate, needs your dollars and your diatribe to fuel its manic panic. It shrivels when you disengage. It won't stop clamouring - but you can.

The new tech contract is still asking us to prove we aren't robots and claim our humanity, a key to the future lying in plain sight. Those who stay close to their - and our - true nature will prevail. In a time of monsters, we must dig deep into why we are still here and begin the relentless work of crafting alternative realities in which we can live and thrive rather than just survive.

I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me - the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living.
~ Anais Nin

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025