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Retrograde Reeking

Art by Brooke Shaden

Make no mistake about it darklings, this week reeks of rebirth as the past, present and future intermingle sans frontiers. Between Merc's planetary pinballing, his retrograde and cazimi and a whole new lunar year with the ultra Aquarian new moon, the end of this week won't remotely look or feel like its beginning.

Not everyone read the cosmic memo of 2020 when revolution slipped it under the door but the only thing that prevents its true comprehension is fear. And the very best way to control people is still to scare the fuck out of them, a tool employed by far too many for far too long. Those same architects of atrocity are not also here to help. You are the one you've been waiting for and your salvation is assured if you let fear engender courage, cultivate change and elevate you beyond modern mind games and madness.

Enter our winged messenger to rebirth cool consciousness, the kind that can no longer turn a blind eye to everything else in service of itself. Merc's retrograde through Aquaria is designed to reset our marvellous minds and tune them into higher frequencies, beyond awful normcore and toxic influence. To be a contributor instead of just a contender, the work starts within. That is your revolutionary frontline, always.

Merc begins this week by eclipsing the sun, his cazimi resetting stuck thinking and expanding understanding. He will square Mars and dance with Venus and Jupiter before the week is out, combinations that will show us both the bright and brittle edges of our thinking. Seek alternatives beyond what you've always thought if you want to change your mind. Your life will follow suit.

The new moon and lunar new year is peak Aquaria, a veritable cluster of planets and asteroids and alt-dimensional frequencies in loud chorus. Whatever prevents you doing you truly - whether past or present - is what can be dumped in the cauldron fire of this dark moon. It is arising, often uncomfortably or bleeding obviously, to be tended and integrated. And it isn't going anywhere until you do something.

This week is a walk in the dark. Go deep.

Like puzzle pieces
I settle intricacies
within my body
~ @brookeshaden
Art + accompanying haiku